Tuesday, October 13, 2015

R.I.P Pooh Bear

On Friday, my big dog Pooh Bear passed away. She had just turned 12 in August so I had a feeling it was coming for about a week. She was always young and happy looking up until about a week ago. Then she suddenly looked OLD. Very very old. She started eating less and less and she just laid around and didnt want to do much. Friday morning she looked awful so I just knew that this was it for her. I made the boys all give her kisses and to tel her how great a dog she was before I tok them to school. I figured I would just take her to the vet to be put down when I got home from dropping the kids off at school. Sadly, she was already gone when I returned. I hate the fact that she passed alone (well my little dog was with her but there was no human home). I cried the rest of the morning until it was time to get Rando from preschool. She was a good dog. She was a protector and a great friend.

This morning it hit me how much I depend on her to feel safe here at home. While I was laying in bed this morning I heard something in the kitchen. Ususally if I heard suspicous noises I would send Pooh out to investigate. Of course, she would usually come back looking like "You sent me out there for nothing" but she always went out and did her patrol no matter how early in the morning or late at night it was. This morning I tried to get Weenie, my little dog, to go out and  patrol the situation and he looked at me like "Woman, cant you see I am sleeping here" and put his head down and went back to sleep.

I would really like to get another dog. Not to replace Pooh Bear because no dog could ever replace her but to add another dog to the house for secruity reasons. My own need to feel secure in my house when my husband isnt home.I told Gunner how I really didnt feel safe this morning beacuse Weenie wouldnt go out for a patrol and Gunner just said "Well I will just have to get you a gun then" WHAT!? I dont want a gun I want a dog. Knowing my luck he'd come in from work one day early and I'd shoot him thinking it was an intruder. NO THANKS!

I have decided to just wait it out for a little bit. I am going to just start saving the money that my brother gives me to sit over at his house and watch the girls for him the nights he works at the bar. Then, when Christmas rolls around I will hopefully have enough money to get the boys the presents I want to get them and enough left over to get a dog from a rescue shelter. I will tell Gunner that him letting me get the dog will be his present to me and then he wont have to get me anything for Christmas at all. I think that would be a pretty even exchange. We will see how it turns out. Maybe I will be lucky and God will place a new dog into our lives sooner. I will just have to pray and wait to see what God has in store for this family and the possability of a new dog.

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