Saturday, October 19, 2013


I've had a few other blogs/online diaries over the years but I decided to make a clean start of it. I pretty much got rid of them all and here I am. Starting fresh.......

I'm a stay at home mother of two young little boys. KJ is 5 and Rando is 2. My husband Gunner and I have been married for 6 years now but we dated off and on since 9th grade (about 17years). I'm a Christian. I've come a great way in my relationship with God and even though I am not always "Christ centered" I'm working on it. 

I'm here to get my thoughts straight and to keep a record of everything that is going on in my life right now. It's not always exciting or great but it's life and one day I might want to look back and read about life when I was only 31 years old.