Monday, December 30, 2013

Here I Come 2014!!!

I can't believe today is the last day of 2013! Where has the year gone? I really feel like I haven't accomplished very much this year even though I've been extremely busy. It's like I've been too busy with crap to REALLY accomplish much. That's upsetting to me. How could I allow that? I feel like I've fallen off track somewhere. Since it's a new year I feel it's the perfect time to make a fresh start. 

Since I just got over being sick for the last 5 weeks, I've gained a little weight and I'm not happy about that. How can I expect The Lord to allow me to get pregnant in this body without having complications along the way. Nope! Not having that! Starting January 1st, I plan to go on Weight Watchers. Now that I can actually breath again I'm gonna go back to the gym and I'm gonna kick up my usual routine. I've gotten too comfortable with it. Time to make it harder. Even on the days idont go to the gym I plan to work on getting at the very least 30 mins of excersise each day (even if it's just a 30 minute walk down to let the boys see the cows at the farms at the end of our road. 

I'm gonna work on staying more God centered. Spending more time at home keeping my home the way it should be. Spending better quality time with my children. Not being distracted by thoughts of what I need to get done next but instead devoting some good personal time with my boys where I am completely and wholely present with them. In my quiet time I plan on reading a lot more scripture based books and devotionals. I'm going to also attempt to do the whole "Read the Bibke in a year" thing. We will see if I can get that done. I just want more quality time with my family and The Lord this year. That's the bottom line. I'm gonna spend more time at home with them rather then being distracted by things in the outside. My life should be centered around my home. I shouldn't always be trying to hurry out the door to go and do things away from the house. The more I do that the more it makes me want to except more and more responsibility outside the home which means I neglect more or rush through my responsibility at home and that's why I haven't accomplished much this year. I can't let it go on anymore. This is not the way my home should be run! So this year I'm gonna set it right!! :) Here I come 2014! Look out!! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm working on it.

Sunday church was canceled due to the bad weather so I thought I'd run to the grocery store very quickly and be back before the bad weather started. Little did I know they store was packed causing me to be in the store for an hour. When I got out there was already 4 inches of snow on the ground. I thought, "it will be okay. I have 4 wheel drive" little did I know that something was wrong with it so it never engaged. 

I slid all over the road and eventually got stuck at the bottom of a hill. Usually, I would have freaked out and cried my eyes out. But this time all I did was pray and God kept me calm. My husband had of course lent his truck to his father so he had no way of getting me. This would have pushed me over the edge into hysterics on any other day but I just kept praying and  thanking The Lord for getting me home because I KNEW that God would get me home. My husband called a friend who lived close by and while I waited for him to come help me a young cowboy came in a HUGE jacked up truck and he attached my trail blazer to his truck with chains and pulled me to the top of the hill where I was able to make it back to the grocery store and leave my vehicle there. The friend picked me and my groceries up and took me home. Then took my husband back to the grocery store so he could take my trail blazer home. 

For most people, they would just be like "so what you got stuck in the snow. It happens. What's the big deal?" For me it was a big deal. I have come so far in the past year. This year I have pursued God so much more then I have ever in my entire Christian life. I saw the benefits of this year's journey on Sunday. I was stuck at the bottom of that hill for 2 and a half hours. During that time I didn't freak out once. I prayed and I thanked God in advance for getting me home because I KNEW God would. When I got home instead of being angry I just prayed and thanked God for that little test of patience that I passed because I trusted God and I KNEW he would take care of me. I have come soooooo far in the past year. I can see it now. I know I have soooo far to go still but I'm happy with how far God has gotten me already and I can't wait for the journey to continue. It's amazing how little things like this can turn out to be such blessings. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

9 Uses for Peroxide

I just learned about this but I think that toothbrushes are cheap enough its just better to replace them every month or two. It REALLY does work awesome for blood stains. I know that one for a fact. :)

1. Stain Remover

  • Stubborn stains are no match for peroxide.
  • It will take blood stains out of any fabric except silk and satin.
  • It will also remove blow out poop stains from white onesies, high chair buckels, and exersaucer.
2. Bleach Alternative

  • great way to brighten laundry.
  • Use in prewash for heavily soiled laundry: Fill laundry, add detergent, 1 cup of peroxide, let it sit for 30 mins. Then run through the cycle.
3. General Disinfectant

  • use it in a spray bottle for cleaning counters and tiles in kitchen and bathroom.
  • use around the house  on everything from door knobs and light switches to toys and clothe diapers.
4. Oder Eliminator

  • If your cat sprays the walls use Peroxide, baking soda, and water and it will kill the smell right away.
5. Hair Lightener

  • it naturally lightens hair without sun
6. Fruit and Vegetable Cleaner

  • place 3% peroxide in a spray bottle and full strength plain white or apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.
  • use a little on each piece of produce and then rinse with water
7. Ear wax Disolver

  • A drop or two of peroxide for adults
  • a small drop for babies
8. Toothbrush Sterilizer

  • soak toothbrushes in peroxide for a few mins to kill bacteria
  • or spray toothbrushes after each use
9. Teeth Whitener

  • use a cap full and hold in your mouth and swish with it for up to five mins