Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I never really thought of homeschooling as an option for our family because #1- we just can't afford to buy curriculum and pay homeschool legal fees and then once Rando is old enough it would be double the money. #2- KJ enjoys going to school because he's a very social little boy. We live out in the middle of no where so it's not like he has the opportunity to spend time with other kids except for Sundays when we go to church. #3- since we live out in the middle of no where the Elementry school is very tiny and I liked the smaller number of kids to a classroom ratio. And last but not least #4- I just don't think my kids would sit and do school work for me on a daily basis. It's hard enough getting KJ to sit at the table long enough to do his homework I don't think he'd want to sit and do school work for hours each day.

Last week was "observation" week at school. You were allowed to come and observe the class. I thought that was really cool because I would like to go and see how my child is learning every day. I noticed while I was there that KJ had a problem fallowing directions. Like if they were told to come to the reading rug he'd go but then just stand there until everyone one else sat down and the teacher would turn and say "sit down please". I thought that was weird but I thought maybe he thought he could get away with it because I was there or something. When they went off to music class I decided to leave then and just before I left his teacher pulled me aside to tell me that she was going to have a specialist in to observe KJ. She said he doesn't seem to ever realize that he is also part of the class. He has to be told to join them as if he doesn't think that her directions apply to him. She said she wanted the specialist to come and observe him and let her know if there was some way she could rearrange the classroom or a better way to talk to him so he feels included in the class. It made me feel like she thought he might have a learning disorder or something and couldn't fallow directions. It got me thinking about it and if it turns out he does have some sort of learning disorder I think he'd be better off at home where he'd get one on one attention. I guess we will have to see what the specialist says first but it's really got me thinking about the possibility of homeschooling. I don't know how we'd afford it or where I would even start, but if KJ has a learning disorder I want him to get the best chance he can to learn because a lot of learning disorders children can grow out of or master dealing with and possibility even return to school in later years. I just don't want him getting lost in the crowd and they pass him over without really dealing with it if he does have one. So that's been on my mind lately.

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