Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Camper away!!!

Have you ever felt the urge to just get rid of everything and buy a nice camper and just live where ever the wind takes you? I'm having one of those days right now. I wish we could just pack up and whenever we wanted and say "Camper Away!" And off we'd go to explore a new place. That would only work if we had major money of course but it's nice to dream. Or we could become gypsies lol. :)

I took Rando for his 3 year check up yesterday. I keep a journal of all the kids milestones and all my pregnancy milestones so I was updating it yesterday when we got home. I flipped back to Kory's 3 year check up and discovered Rando is 5.6 lbs heavier and 4 inches taller then Kory was at his 3 year check up. That's a major difference! I think Kory will end up taking after Gunner. Probably be 6 foot and be a solid man. Rando on the other hand will probably end up like my brother (uncle spooky) and be extreamly tall (my brother is 6'5") and be lean and muscular. Gunner's brother is also very tall (6'3") and has the same lean muscular build. Now I'm curious what my baby Colton will be like when he comes. Kory was a solid baby (9lbs 6oz) and he always had a bit of chub on him until he got to about a year old. Rando was my basket ball player baby. He was super skinny and had super long legs (9lbs 10oz) the day we took him home from the hospital his legs were so long that his feet already touched the back of the seat. We had to put him into the convertible rear facing car seat at 3 months because he was too tall to fit comfortably in the infant car seat after that. So now I just got to wait until Septemeber and see what kind of baby my sweet little Colton will be. :)

I really miss Gunner today. We've been spending so much more time together lately. Last night he was busy prepping stuff for work and then had to help my brother figure out what was up with the lights on his jeep not coming on. So I saw him at dinner and then the rest of the evening he was busy. By the time he came to bed I was half asleep already so we snuggled up and went to sleep together. I had to get up in the night to throw up so when he left this morning I slept through it so when I woke up he was already gone. I hate that. It makes me miss him all day if I miss a goodbye kiss before he leaves for work. :(

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Selfishness just doesn't pay

This past year, I have to admit I was struggling a bit in my marriage. I had a selfish attitude. My husband gets to go out with friends all the time. He gets to go to gun shows and spend a few hundred dollars on a gun or two. He can go away for a weekend here and there with friends. I get to sit home with the kids 24/7. I get to spend $5 a week at the dollar store on pens and a sketch books. I get to beg for months for $25 for a new bra. I get to sit by myself at night with my sketch book and pens while he gets to do ANYTHING but spend time with me. So yes, I was resentful and angry and nagging. No wonder why he didn't want to spend any time with me!

In the past few months though I've really been asking God to help me with my life. I felt like the whole thing was pretty overwhelming and I just needed God's help to straighten it out. More and more God was showing me that it's not so much my life that was spinning out of control but more my attitude. My selfish "what about me?" attitude was preventing me from being happy. In my marriage especially. It was like a light turned on for me. Instead of being resentful and angry everytime Gunner gets to go out and have fun and go to the gun shows and all that I need to be happy for him. He works a very strenuous job to support us. He comes home sore and tired and has to get up the next day just as sore and tired and go back to work and lift things that weight more then him up on ladders 20-30 feet in the air ect... I should be happy that he gets to relax with friends and enjoy himself when he can. Instead of nagging and being angry that he spends no time with me I need to be happy with whatever time he gives me. I need to make that time we spend together good. I need to be sweet and loving and not only did that make our time more enjoyable for the both of us, but Gunner would come and spend more time with me and I wasn't even asking. He'd say things like "I should really go out and put all my tools away in the garage but I'd rather spend a little time with you before I do that". In the bedroom, I went out of my way to make it as pleasurable as possable for him. Instead of doing things all begrudgingly and thinking "I never get this in return!" I would make it my pleasure to do those things without him asking and put my full effort into it. In return, I've received wonderful pleasure. He desires me and thinks about me all day at work and when he gets a moment to himself he will call or he will text me that he is thinking about me and how badly he wished he was home with me at that moment. Usually he would only call or text during the day if he thought he had a reason to worry about me (like if I was sick). Now I get atleast one call a day and several text messages while he's at work. He also doesn't get snappy with me when I call in the afternoon to find out what time he might be home for dinner (I like to make dinner so he gets home and it's hot and ready at the table). Things have improved greatly just by changing my attitude.  

God always has the answers for me. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

No more babies in the house anymore

I finally gave in and gave Rando a clipper cut. I usually just use scissors all over because with his hair longer it makes him look more like a baby. He's been sweating so badly lately I just had to give him a clipper cut just like Kory and Gunner. Now he looks like he could be Kory's twin. :( so I got no more babies in the house until Colton comes in early Septemeber. 

(Gunner is not a fan of pictures. Can you tell?)

Today is Kory's Kindergarten Showcase. We all get to go and see all that Kory has accomplished and then we get to watch a Kindergarten Memories DVD. So that's pretty cool! Gunner made sure that work didn't schedule anything for him this afternoon. He did a window and a door this morning and then he has to go out at 4:30 and finish up a deck so he won't be home until super late but atleast he will have been able to see Kory's Showcase at school. :)

Kory's last day of school is Friday and then he will be an official 1st grader!!! How did he grow up so fast?! 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Just catching up.

I know I have slacked a lot on keeping up to date. It feels like one thing after another keeps happening to distract me from writing and now I can't even remember it all so I'm just gonna start from here....

In just 3 short months I'll be having baby Colton. I can't wait for him to arrive! 

Kory has one more week left of school. He can't wait for summer to come but I think he'll miss his school friends. 

My brother's trial is August 6th so we are praying for victory there since what he was accused of he most definitely DID NOT do. 

I'm hoping to have a few fun camp outs this summer (if the weather isn't so got that it makes up suffocate in the tent). 

Next Friday, when Kory gets off the bus from his last day of kindergarten I will have orange cup cakes with orange icing waiting for him as a Kindergarten Graduation present. I know he'll be super excited. I'm also pretty sure that is the weekend my brother has his 3 girls again so everyone will be here for the weekend to celebrate the end of the school year. 

I'm Hoping that Gunner will have time to get up into the attic this weekend and get down the crib and all the baby stuff so we can clean out Rando's old room and set up the nursery there for baby Colton. I'm in the nesting phase I guess because all I want to do is make sure that I get everything all washed folded and put away so I can close the door and not worry about the room again until Colton arrives. 

I have been bringing Rando to the 2- 3 year olds story time at the Library every Wednesday and he's been doing really well there. It's a good pre- preschool prep for him. :) they read  3-4 books, sing a few songs, and then they make a craft. He loves it so we keep going every week. There is a 3-6 year old story time too and I think when summer starts we will start going to that one because Rando is going to be 3 in July and that's close enough to 3 for now so once summer starts they can go together for story time. There is also a few puppet shows going on there during the summer and a few family Lego building nights so I plan on going to all those too. Our Library is really great! 

Gunner and I have been struggling a bit lately but I'm hoping because we've been really talking to each other the past week and getting everything out that things will start on the upswing with us. I love Gunner with all my heart. I've been head over heals inlove with him since we met in 9th grade. I refuse to let a few bad months define out marriage. We will get through this and we will come out stronger on the other side. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

God has better plans

I found out Yesterday that I am having another boy. I really thought this one was going to be a girl but God had better plans. Even though I was shocked I'm not disappointed. What I am a little upset about is that it wasn't a girl for Gunner's sake. I feel like I kinda failed him. I know it's his sperm that decides the gender of the child but I still feel like I failed him because it wasn't a girl. I know, it's dumb of me to feel that way and even Gunner said there is no reason for me to feel that way but I can't help it.

On a happier note, we have decided to name him Colton. We really only have to buy little things that can't be passed from one child to another (such as pacifiers ect..) and I do have to buy a new child car seat. I checked the infant car seat that I used with my other two boys and that doesn't expire until December of 2014. I can get Colton through 3 months in it. After 3 months, my babies are way too heavy for me to carry around in an infant car seat so I really won't need it after that. I just ordered him a bright green and black convertible car seat. So in December I will just move him into his new car seat. The car seat that Rando is in now will expire in October which is fine because I was going to get him a high back booster seat and move him into that after his birthday in July. 

Easter is fast approaching. Gunner comes to church with the boys and I for Easters so that's nice. I wish he'd go more often then Easters and Mother's Day and sometimes around Christmas time too but I will take what I can get. Our church puts on a big Egg hunt for the kids after church on Easter and the boys always have a great time finding eggs together. I also got them each a basket (like usual) and I have a few goodies in there like crayons and coloring books and things. I got them each a small chocolate bunny too because I KNOW they will be getting a lot of candy from the eggs at the church egg hunt. I told Mom just to get the boys books and things like that no candy. I know she will but I'm sure my mother inlaw will not listen like usual and load them up with candy from her too. So we will have a basket of candy on the fridge that we will be giving out slowly until we refill the basket with the boys trick or treat candy in October. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

I've booked it!

April 6th after church I will be going for my 3D ultrasound. I will be exactly 17 weeks so I am hoping they will be able to verify the sex. I can't wait!! I've prayed so hard that this one is a girl, I really hope it is. I have no boy names picked out or anything because I've been believing this one is a girl. I won't be upset if it is another boy because any baby that God blesses me with is just fine with me but I think it will be a tad bit disappointing because I've hoped for a girl this whole time. But until it's confirmed other wise I'm believing this one is a girl :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Beautiful Baby!

I went for my 13 week ultrasound today. I was so excited to see the baby! I didn't get a very good ultrasound photo but it's still viewable and you can still see the baby's beautiful little silhouette. I'm so blessed to have this amazing little baby within me. :) I can't wait to meet you Jelly  Bean!