Sunday, August 31, 2014

Can't sleep, too excited!

This week has been pretty rough on me because I've had back labor on and off all week long. I have never had any sort of labor pains with either one of my other two boys so a whole week of this has been pretty brutal. My body refuses to behave like a normal pregnant woman so no need to worry. I'm not diolated or ephased at all. It's just very uncomfortable. I am totally not used to any of this labor stuff. 

I've developed Super Imposed Preeclampsia so it's no longer safe to wait until 9/9/14 (my original c-section date) they have moved it to 9/2/14. I'm really excited to finally have this baby and be done with all this pain I have been in for months but I'm also a little nervous because he will only be 38 weeks and 2 days. I know that's pretty much full term but it just makes me nervous. I want to make sure that he's fully "cooked" and ready to come. The only benifit of him coming a little early will be I might actually have a baby under 9lbs for once but I somehow doubt it. Rando arrived at 39 weeks and 1 day and he was 9lbs 10oz. Knowing my luck, Colton will arrive at exactly 9lbs haha! 

Speaking of Rando, I think he's gonna be a good big brother. He's so excited and can't wait for Colton to come. He calls him Colty. I think this will be another brother inforced nick name. Kory is the only one who doesn't have a brother inforced nick name. We just call him KJ because his middle name is James. Rando is actually Robert Brandon. KJ could never say it and instead called him Rando and it's stuck. We pretty much never call Rando by Robert. Now that Rando calls Colton ,Colty we all call him Colty most of the time too. :) 

This is how Rando fell asleep tonight. It cracked me up so I took a quick pic before moving him into bed...

In a little over 24 hours I will be holding my Sweet baby Colty in my arms! I am so very excited!!! Good-night!!!

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