Saturday we had the boys big birthday bash. Not too many people came this year but Kory's bestfriend from school came so he was happy. Rando was happy because his cousins were there. That's all that mattered to him. Even though it was a lot smaller then we expected it all went well. We had plenary of food and I got to know Melissa (the mother of KJ's bestfriend). She was really nice. We are gonna try and get the boys together again sometime before school starts up again. School starts in 2 weeks I'm hoping we can make it happen.
My parents got the boys a train table with a cool train set that you can put together and take apart. It's really big though. We were going to put it down in the play room (basement) but since my brother has been living with us half the time (that's where we have the guest bed. Down there in the playroom) we decided to just move the wooden chest that we have been using as a coffee table out into the breeze way (it makes putting on little shoes so much easier before we leave the house) and we have made the train table the coffee table for now. What's really cool is the fact that it has 3 red buckets that once your done with the trains you can take them apart and put the pieces into the buckets and the buckets slide under the table on a little ledge so it's out of the way and off the floor. My mom even customized the front of the table so it says K&R Railroad. The boys love it! My mother inlaw has ordered then a power wheel artic cat. But she ordered it very late so it hasn't come yet. But it's a 12 volt so it will move around the yard much faster then the little 6 volt Bobcat that we picked up for the boys at a yard sale. The artic cat is a 2 seater as well so they can both enjoy playing with it. It looks like a John Deer Gaitor only instead of a flat bed it's got a little pickup type bed and it has a little shovel on the outside. The boys will love it once it finally gets here.
I am 35 weeks along as of yesterday. So that means I've got 5 weeks until I'm 40 weeks and they always schedule c-sections at 39 weeks as long as everything is going smoothly so that means I will be having Colton in about 4 weeks!!! I'm really excited! I go today to the OBGYN for an interal exam. I'm really hoping that Dr.Y will give me my c-section date today. I can make a count down calander with the boys and hang it on the fridge like we do for Christmas. Only it will be a "days until Colton's birthday" count down. With the Christmas one I let them glue ornaments that I make out of construction paper onto each day. I'm not sure what I could make to glue on each day for a Colton count down. Maybe bibs or bottles? I'm not very crafty, but I do try hahaha!
I have been getting around a lot better the past few days. I'm not as sore as I have been. The hip brace really helps hold my pelvic bone together but when I over do it, it doesn't matter if I'm wearing the brace or not. So I have been able to go out and swim with the boys more. When I'm really sore I fear getting in the pool without Gunner being home because I'm afraid I will get in and then not be able to get out due to the pain in my pelvic bone preventing me from lifting my legs high enough to climb the ladder back out.
I am currently obsessed with this song. It's constantly in my head and I'm always humming it to myself all day long so I thought I'd share it. Enjoy!