Sunday, August 31, 2014

Can't sleep, too excited!

This week has been pretty rough on me because I've had back labor on and off all week long. I have never had any sort of labor pains with either one of my other two boys so a whole week of this has been pretty brutal. My body refuses to behave like a normal pregnant woman so no need to worry. I'm not diolated or ephased at all. It's just very uncomfortable. I am totally not used to any of this labor stuff. 

I've developed Super Imposed Preeclampsia so it's no longer safe to wait until 9/9/14 (my original c-section date) they have moved it to 9/2/14. I'm really excited to finally have this baby and be done with all this pain I have been in for months but I'm also a little nervous because he will only be 38 weeks and 2 days. I know that's pretty much full term but it just makes me nervous. I want to make sure that he's fully "cooked" and ready to come. The only benifit of him coming a little early will be I might actually have a baby under 9lbs for once but I somehow doubt it. Rando arrived at 39 weeks and 1 day and he was 9lbs 10oz. Knowing my luck, Colton will arrive at exactly 9lbs haha! 

Speaking of Rando, I think he's gonna be a good big brother. He's so excited and can't wait for Colton to come. He calls him Colty. I think this will be another brother inforced nick name. Kory is the only one who doesn't have a brother inforced nick name. We just call him KJ because his middle name is James. Rando is actually Robert Brandon. KJ could never say it and instead called him Rando and it's stuck. We pretty much never call Rando by Robert. Now that Rando calls Colton ,Colty we all call him Colty most of the time too. :) 

This is how Rando fell asleep tonight. It cracked me up so I took a quick pic before moving him into bed...

In a little over 24 hours I will be holding my Sweet baby Colty in my arms! I am so very excited!!! Good-night!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

God's Time

Monday I had my OBGYN appointment. When I went my BP was high and when they checked my urine I had some protein in it. So they sent me off to the hospital for further testing to make sure I wasn't going preeclamptic. (I got preeclampsia with my first son so I am at higher risk for it to happen again). I sat at the hospital for a few hours and waited for my blood  and urine test results. Everything was okay "right now" but they want to monitor me, so I'm afraid I might be going to the hospital after every doctors appointment every week until 9/9/2014 (my c-section date). 

Before I got sent off to the hospital, the doctor gave me an ultrasound and he said that the baby was measuring at about 7lbs and 1oz. So if he makes it to 9/9/2014 he will probably be a 9 pounder just like both my other two sons. 

I know that Colton will come in God's time and NOT mine but it really scared me Monday that I could possably be having him that day. I still had so much more that I had to get done before he came. I also wanted to be able to get my oldest on the bus Monday morning for his first day of the 1st grade. All these reasons where selfish. I know, but I couldn't help but think "there is so much I still need to get done!" It was kinda like I was aggravated with God for not having MY plans on his calendar. How ridiculous, right? But it made me realized  that I need to stop relying on MY schedule and just be open for God's time. HE knows better then ME. If I have Colton early or if I have him on 9/9/2014 as scheduled I just need to roll with the punches because it's God's timing and in HIS timing everything is perfectly the way HE wants it. So what if I have more to do! It will get done. I need to just relax and be ready and willing for whatever God decides. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

All is well

Saturday we had the boys big birthday bash. Not too many people came this year but Kory's bestfriend from school came so he was happy. Rando was happy because his cousins were there. That's all that mattered to him. Even though it was a lot smaller then we expected it all went well. We had plenary of food and I got to know Melissa (the mother of KJ's bestfriend). She was really nice. We are gonna try and get the boys together again sometime before school starts up again. School starts in 2 weeks I'm hoping we can make it happen. 

My parents got the boys a train table with a cool train set that you can put together and take apart. It's really big though. We were going to put it down in the play room (basement) but since my brother has been living with us half the time (that's where we have the guest bed. Down there in the playroom) we decided to just move the wooden chest that we have been using as a coffee table out into the breeze way (it makes putting on little shoes so much easier before we leave the house) and we have made the train table the coffee table for now. What's really cool is the fact that it has 3 red buckets that once your done with the trains you can take them apart and put the pieces into the buckets and the buckets slide under the table on a little ledge so it's out of the way and off the floor. My mom even customized the front of the table so it says K&R Railroad. The boys love it! My mother inlaw has ordered then a power wheel artic cat. But she ordered it very late so it hasn't come yet. But it's a 12 volt so it will move around the yard much faster then the little 6 volt Bobcat that we picked up for the boys at a yard sale. The artic cat is a 2 seater as well so they can both enjoy playing with it. It looks like a John Deer Gaitor only instead of a flat bed it's got a little pickup type bed and it has a little shovel on the outside. The boys will love it once it finally gets here. 

I am 35 weeks along as of yesterday. So that means I've got 5 weeks until I'm 40 weeks and they always schedule c-sections at 39 weeks as long as everything is going smoothly so that means I will be having Colton in about 4 weeks!!! I'm really excited! I go today to the OBGYN for an interal exam. I'm really hoping that Dr.Y will give me my c-section date today. I can make a count down calander with the boys and hang it on the fridge like we do for Christmas. Only it will be a "days until Colton's birthday" count down. With the Christmas one I let them glue ornaments that I make out of construction paper onto each day. I'm not sure what I could make to glue on each day for a Colton count down. Maybe bibs or bottles? I'm not very crafty, but I do try hahaha!

I have been getting around a lot better the past few days. I'm not as sore as I have been. The hip brace really helps hold my pelvic bone together but when I over do it, it doesn't matter if I'm wearing the brace or not. So I have been able to go out and swim with the boys more. When I'm really sore I fear getting in the pool without Gunner being home because I'm afraid I will get in and then not be able to get out due to the pain in my pelvic bone preventing me from lifting my legs high enough to climb the ladder back out. 

I am currently obsessed with this song. It's constantly in my head and I'm always humming it to myself all day long so I thought I'd share it. Enjoy!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

God, I need you...

  Today has been especially tough on me. Not only with the regular pain of having a way too big baby for the actively level going on inside (I fear he will crack one of my ribs) and the separated pelvic bone. But this was day 2 of a horrific nonstop Charlie horse in my leg that pretty much prevented me from walking for 2 days. I would pretty much limp to and from the bathroom in tears the past two days. The boys have been crazy out of control today because I haven't been able to really be on too of them. I was able to get them to come and lay in my bed together and watch Veggy Tails The Story of Ester and 2 episodes of Richard Scary's Busy Town Mysteries on Netflix but since neither of them were sick that didn't last long. Instead they made a mess of the house and fought all day long. 

By the time Gunner got home I was totally exhausted and upset and just feeling like an awful mother because I couldn't care for my children very well today at all. He found me just sobbing away in my bed when he got home. Rando came in with him and he said all sweetly "Mommy! Your eyes are dripping! I see the drips down your face" it was adorable but at that moment I didn't want an audience. Gunner was great though. He just got Rando ready (put this sox and shoes on) and told Kory he had to play quietly if he wanted to stay home so he didn't disturb me and he went and picked up some burgers for dinner while I got to take a quick nap. When he got home, after we ate, he cleaned up the mess in the living room and had the boys clean up the toys in their room and got them ready for bed and put them both to bed at their bedtimes and just left me to sit and relax the rest of the night. It was just what I needed.

 I did a little research and found out that bananas are supposed to help with Charlie horses so after the kids went to bed Gunner ran down to the corner market and got me a bunch of bananas. I HATE bananas but I gaged down 2 of them and prayed that this was what I needed to be able to get rid of the Charlie horse in my leg. I will eat a banana for breakfast and before bed at night every day for the next 5 weeks until I have my c-section if it keeps the Charlie horses away! 

During my time alone I got out my Bible and did some reading. As always God directed me to just the right verses to console my weary head and heart. He is so Awsome! He never lets me down when I need him he's there. It makes me think of that song that I can't remember who songs but the words are. "I need you, oh I need you.  Every hour I need you." Because it is SOOO very true! Needless to say I am feeling better now and amazingly enough the Charlie horse is easing up on my leg too. Hopefully the bananas are fixing the problem :)

Well it's now 2:45am and I am finally getting tired so I better get to bed. That nap before dinner has screwed my sleep schedule. Sweet dreams! 

34 weeks 4 days

Today I am 34 weeks and 4 days along. I have 6 weeks until I'm 40 weeks so I will be having Colton in 5 weeks. These next 5 weeks are going to be LONG ones but I'm so thankful that I'm almost done with this pregnancy. I'm in so much pain and I'm so huge and uncomfortable right now. I just have to pray every day for God to give me the strength to keep going. 

Today, I am at the end of a 2 day long Charlie horse that is making it absolutely unbearable to walk around and get daily things done. I can't even stand to make dinner. I had to have the boys bring me the supplies to make them PB&J sandwiches and I had to make them their lunch here in my bed.  The house is a mess and I can't do anything about it. It's  getting harder and harder for me to deal with not getting upset and angry because I have no control over anything going on in this house at the moment. 

My mother inlaw keeps asking me over and over "do you know yet the date of your c-section? I need to know because I want to take off that week from work to help you" I keep telling her "Gunner is off that week and mom will be here helping me. I don't need any help then. What I need is help now. It would be better if you took a week off now and took the boys for me now". Of course she doesn't want to do that, she just wants to take a week off when the baby comes so she can come and see the baby for an hour a day and then go home and not worry about anything just like she did with both my other c-sections. I don't find that helpful.  Most of the time I was nursing the baby the whole hour she was here so what's the point of her coming at all? She could go to work and come see the baby everyday for an hour after work. What I need is help now. NOT THEN. Oh well, what can I do? I already told her. If she don't want to do it I can't force her.