Monday, December 30, 2013

Here I Come 2014!!!

I can't believe today is the last day of 2013! Where has the year gone? I really feel like I haven't accomplished very much this year even though I've been extremely busy. It's like I've been too busy with crap to REALLY accomplish much. That's upsetting to me. How could I allow that? I feel like I've fallen off track somewhere. Since it's a new year I feel it's the perfect time to make a fresh start. 

Since I just got over being sick for the last 5 weeks, I've gained a little weight and I'm not happy about that. How can I expect The Lord to allow me to get pregnant in this body without having complications along the way. Nope! Not having that! Starting January 1st, I plan to go on Weight Watchers. Now that I can actually breath again I'm gonna go back to the gym and I'm gonna kick up my usual routine. I've gotten too comfortable with it. Time to make it harder. Even on the days idont go to the gym I plan to work on getting at the very least 30 mins of excersise each day (even if it's just a 30 minute walk down to let the boys see the cows at the farms at the end of our road. 

I'm gonna work on staying more God centered. Spending more time at home keeping my home the way it should be. Spending better quality time with my children. Not being distracted by thoughts of what I need to get done next but instead devoting some good personal time with my boys where I am completely and wholely present with them. In my quiet time I plan on reading a lot more scripture based books and devotionals. I'm going to also attempt to do the whole "Read the Bibke in a year" thing. We will see if I can get that done. I just want more quality time with my family and The Lord this year. That's the bottom line. I'm gonna spend more time at home with them rather then being distracted by things in the outside. My life should be centered around my home. I shouldn't always be trying to hurry out the door to go and do things away from the house. The more I do that the more it makes me want to except more and more responsibility outside the home which means I neglect more or rush through my responsibility at home and that's why I haven't accomplished much this year. I can't let it go on anymore. This is not the way my home should be run! So this year I'm gonna set it right!! :) Here I come 2014! Look out!! 

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