I've been doing a lot of research lately about food. I've gained 15 pounds since my mother passed away. On top of all the other weight I'm trying to lose this extra 15 is like a mill stone around my neck while swimming in the ocean. So I have been serious about researching food and what it does to the body. I read the book Wheat Belly and it really opened up my eyes. Then I watched the documentary Perfect Human Diet and the movie Love Paleo. That sealed the deal for me. I wanted to try out the Paleo lifestyle. I tried it for a week. I lost 5 lbs and then I went to a cookout which left me with only one thing to actually eat so I went off it and ate whatever I wanted there. The next day my stomach was totally upset and I had gained back 3 of my 5 pounds lost. So I was upset about that and it sealed the deal for me. I've been using this week to ease back into the Paleo lifestyle. I may not be over the passing of my mother but I am trying my best to keep my body as healthy as possible.
So Paleo I will go ....