Baby Colton has arrived! I know this is long over due but I have finally gotten a little time to myself (as long as the baby continues to sleep). The boys are out back jumping on the trampoline. I'm here in Colton's room in the rocker right by the window so I can nurse and spy on my boys out back at the same time. :)
Colton Hunter Green was born September 2, 2014 @ 10:09am. He weighed 8lbs and 15oz and was 20.5 inches long. To most people, having a baby this size they would think "my baby is so big!" But since both my boys were way over the 9lb mark this baby seems soo tiny to me. I finally got a baby UNDER 9lbs!!! (Even if it's only by an oz) That's big deal for me.
My little Colty wears newborn clothes and diapers!!!! Neither of my other two could fit in anything newborn. Both my boys came home from the hospital in 3month clothes and size 1 diapers. When Colton was born he was completely lost in the 3month pjs I had brought for him to wear at the hospital. My mom gladly went baby clothes shopping for me. And he is still in all the newborn clothes she bought him now and he will be 4 weeks on Tuesday. Today I moved him out of the newborn diapers into the size ones. He also has HAIR! He was born with hair on his head and best of all is the fact that it's BROWN HAIR!! All my babies were born with blond peach fuzz which washed away during their first bath and then around their first birthday when they started growing real hair it came in blond again. So to have a child with dark hair like mine is a real joy. A small (for me anyway) dark haired baby is such a change for me. I LOVE IT!! <3
For being my 3rd C-section I recovered pretty quickly. This time I had to get staples which were awful but they came out in exactly a week. I am feeling pretty happy. I can now sneeze and cough without feeling like my guts will splatter out all over the place. So I'm pretty much totally recovered. Just a few minor aches and pains but I'm almost back to 100% again. :) Baby's awake and needs a diaper change so I better go.